J A Stott (Carpentry) Ltd recognises its staff as being fundamental to its success through the development of good and ethical working practices. A professional and open approach to recruitment processes help J A Stott (Carpentry) Ltd to attract, appoint and retain staff with the necessary skills and attributes to fulfil its business aim for and on behalf of our customers and stakeholders and support the company values.
As an employer J A Stott (Carpentry) Ltd is committed to ensuring that the recruitment and selection of staff is conducted in a manner that is systematic, efficient, and effective and promotes equality of opportunity.
Recruitment should be treated as a key public relations exercise as the way it is managed affects the company’s image, and consequently its ability to attract and appoint high calibre staff for each position.
This policy has been designed to provide a flexible framework which promotes good practice, adopts a proactive approach to equality and diversity issues and supports fully the company’s core business.
This policy applies to the recruitment and selection of all staff to J A Stott (Carpentry) Ltd.
All employees involved at any stage of the recruitment and selection of staff should be aware of and adhere to the contents of this policy. In addition, any external consultants, recruitment agencies or external experts who assist in the recruitment process must act in accordance with this policy.
To endeavour that recruitment processes are fit for purpose
• To appoint the best person for each position
• To endeavour equality of opportunity for all applicants
• To endeavour compliance with the company’s Ethical & Equal Opportunities Policy
• To endeavour compliance with relevant employment legislation
• To promote the company’s values
• To meet the company’s operational requirements and business aims.
Staff involved in the recruitment process should be aware of their responsibilities under the relevant legislation. The company aims to secure equality of opportunity in all its activities, and in this respect all staff should maintain a positive attitude towards equality of employment.
If a member of staff involved in the recruitment process has a close personal or familial relationship with an applicant they must declare this as soon as they are aware of the individuals’ application. It would normally be necessary for the member of staff to avoid any involvement in the recruitment and selection process.
Documentation relating to applicants will be treated with the utmost confidentiality and in accordance to the Data Protection Act (DPA). Applicants will have the right to feedback and to access any documentation held on them in accordance with the DPA.
Preparation Stage
The recruitment and selection process should not commence until the need for the role has been established and agreed by a director of the company.
The recruitment of staff will take into account the company’s need for new ideas and approaches and support the company’s commitment to a diverse workforce.
Obtaining Candidates
As a minimum all positions will normally be advertised internally through notice boards and mail communication within the company. This will help maximise equality of opportunity and provide staff with opportunities for career development, thus maintaining the skills and expertise of existing staff. In extenuating circumstances the Director’s may waive the need to advertise.
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Positions will be advertised using the most appropriate and cost effective medium to maximise the number of suitably qualified candidates. This may include local, national and international publications and web sites. Ideally internal advertisements should appear for a minimum of 7 days and external advertisements should appear for a minimum of 14 days.
Applicants will be treated with respect and provided with sufficient information to make informed decisions regarding their suitability for the role. To this end relevant background information may be helpful, e.g. details of current projects, customer site (if site based) and company background information.
Selection Process
The selection process should be:
• Transparent
• Timely and cost effective
• Equitable
• Free from conflict of interest
All recruitment will be based on agreed job descriptions and person specifications. Recruitment and selection must be conducted as an evidence-based process and candidates should be assessed against agreed selection criteria, based on relevant knowledge, skills, competencies, experience and qualifications to perform the role as outlined in the person specification. All decisions must be recorded.
Interview questions must relate to the job requirements as exemplified in the person specification and the candidate’s suitability for the position. The person specification should be used as the basis for determining the interview questions.
Employment Contract
Offers of employment are conditional upon receipt of satisfactory references, and, where applicable, a medical assessment and any other appropriate checks. The company is obligated to endeavour each member of staff has the legal right to live and work in the UK in the role for which they are employed. In accordance with The Asylum and Immigration Act, it requires that the company checks that each employee has this right.
All records relating to the recruitment process for any vacancy must be retained for a period of 12 months.
The Directors of the company will monitor and review the operation of this statement on an annual basis to endeavour that it remains relevant and appropriate to the company and will make available the statement in prominent positions in the offices and workplace for inspection by all employees and other interested parties
Name: John Kane
Position: Construction Director
Date: 22/01/20